Blog Post One

Serundeng. A Dutch Indonesian coconut garnish to make your rice dishes sing! I made this some months ago - my favourite way to enjoy this garnish is to generously sprinkle this on steamed rice and eat it as a snack. Anytime of day!

Heritage is key.

Welcome to my first post. I write as I think and that may give rise to unfiltered content :) I hope the many posts that follow will bring you into my world of food and flavours! This first dish is one that I grew up with. I’m of Dutch Indonesian heritage but living in Sydney, Australia! My parents immigrated from the Netherlands when I was four, so I’m very Australian, but have a love of all things savoury. Peanut flavours, chilli and lemon grass are some of the dominant taste profiles I grew up with. My mother and Aunties were amazing chefs in their own right (cooking, and feasting is embedded in my DNA and a defining part of my childhood). With parents who regularly catered for restaurants it’s little wonder I feel at home in the world of creating and eating food.

Serundeng is made up of spices including onions, cumin (one ingredient I added that’s not in many recipes I’ve seen), ginger, and galangal. Once you sauté those spices in the pan, you then add coconut and an amount of tamarind and gently cook this till the coconut takes on a lovely golden brown hue.

As I develop my blog I will find the time to write out my recipes and attach these to my posts. In the meantime, I want to give full credit to this wonderful cooking blog produced by Anita. Her amazing Serundeng recipe is here. I hope she doesn’t mind that I’ve shared it. She has a fantastic range of Indo recipes and I do love her story telling!


Blog Post Two